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Community Funding Board Re-Activated!

Nimiq Community Funding Board was dormant for some time. With life post-pandemic getting back to normal and Nimiq 2.0 DevNet being released, this strikes us as the perfect time to re-activate it.

01 Jul 2022

by Michael Diese

3 min

Nimiq 2.0 implementation has finally reached a release candidate phase, making it possible for community developers to begin testing their use cases for Nimiq 2.0.

It has been relatively quiet around the Community Funding Board lately for various reasons including of course Covid-19, as well as our community developers waiting for a release candidate of Nimiq 2.0 where they can test their use cases in the certain knowledge that major changes will occur.

A quick reminder of what the Community Funding Board is and how it works!

The Community Funding Board, or CFB for short, is responsible for fostering the growth of the Nimiq Community and its participation in the Nimiq project. In order to do that, the CFB reviews and discusses the potential funding of projects presented by community members. To help make this happen, it has an annual budget of up to 50k USD. The purpose of funding community proposals is to empower developers by providing them support, not only financially but also as regards technical matters. Community members who have an idea for a project and would like to see it come to life can apply by presenting their project in writing in the Nimiq Community forum. Want to apply for community funding? Then click here to visit our forum and submit your application.

Community members who actively support Nimiq’s Community and ecosystem are also recognized by the Community Funding Board with the Most Valuable Community Member awards to honor their valuable work. So far, over 30 members have been rewarded in this way, and you can be sure there will be many more! So don't be shy: showcase your involvement in our community channels to get noticed by the CFB.

Community Funding Board Structure

There are six members in total, of which 3 are community-elected representatives and 3 are Nimiq team members. The election for the Community Representative takes place every 6 months, the exception being the last term, which was extended due to the unexpected situations mentioned above. The Board decides on proposals from the community every 3 months; a simple majority of over 50% is required for each decision. There are 3 possible outcomes for a proposal: Accepted, Rejected, or Request for Modification of the proposal. The result of the meeting is then shared with the public on the forum and on our Community Funding Board blog!

The next step: The Community Funding Board is holding new elections!

Want to stand for election as a Community Representative? Then now is your chance! We hold new elections for the 3 community representatives on Monday, July 18th to start the new CFB period with the community members who are currently most engaged. If you are elected as a representative, you can actively shape the future of the Nimiq ecosystem - don't miss this chance!

How to apply?

Create a post in the Nimiq Forum to run in the next elections. A short introduction about yourself, your Telegram and Discord handles, and a bio about your involvement in the Nimiq community is all we need from you. Application submission closing date is the 15th of July 2022.

Last Community Funding Board election

Community assemble!

We bring the Community Funding Board back up to speed and encourage every developer, designer and Nimiq supporter to test the first versions of Nimiq 2.0 and submit their project funding proposals in the Nimiq Forum. We've also created the NIMcubator with the purpose of supporting your project’s creation, finding collaborators and helping to prepare your Community Funding Proposal. If you are looking to get support from the NIMcubator, which consists of a majority of our most active community members, join the NIMcubator Brainstorming Unit in Telegram or Discord.

Let's build the greatest apps the world has ever seen! Now is the time!

Pura Vida
Team Nimiq


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