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Interface: PlainTransaction

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:491

JSON-compatible and human-readable format of transactions. E.g. addresses are presented in their human-readable format and address types and the network are represented as strings. Data and proof are serialized as an object describing their contents (not yet implemented, only the { raw: string } fallback is available).

Extended by



data: PlainTransactionRecipientData

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:556

The data field of a transaction serves different purposes based on the transaction's recipient type. For transactions to "basic" address types, this field can contain up to 64 bytes of unstructured data. For transactions that create contracts or interact with the staking contract, the format of this field must follow a fixed structure and defines the new contracts' properties or how the staking contract is changed.


fee: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:526

The transaction's fee in luna (NIM's smallest unit).


feePerByte: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:530

The transaction's fee-per-byte in luna (NIM's smallest unit).


flags: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:543

Any flags that this transaction carries. 0b1 = 1 means it's a contract-creation transaction, 0b10 = 2 means it's a signalling transaction with 0 value.


format: PlainTransactionFormat

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:503

The transaction's format. Nimiq transactions can have one of two formats: "basic" and "extended". Basic transactions are simple value transfers between two regular address types and cannot contain any extra data. Basic transactions can be serialized to less bytes, so take up less place on the blockchain. Extended transactions on the other hand are all other transactions: contract creations and interactions, staking transactions, transactions with exta data, etc.


network: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:538

The network name on which this transaction is valid.


proof: PlainTransactionProof

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:562

The proof field contains the signature of the eligible signer. The proof field's structure depends on the transaction's sender type. For transactions from contracts it can also contain additional structured data before the signature.


recipient: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:516

The transaction's recipient address in human-readable IBAN format.


recipientType: PlainAccountType

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:521

The account type of the transaction's recipient. "basic" are regular private-key controlled accounts, "vesting" and "htlc" are contracts, and "staking" is the staking contract.


sender: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:507

The transaction's sender address in human-readable IBAN format.


optional senderData: PlainTransactionSenderData

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:548

The sender_data field serves a purpose based on the transaction's sender type. It is currently only used for extra information in transactions from the staking contract.


senderType: PlainAccountType

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:512

The account type of the transaction's sender. "basic" are regular private-key controlled accounts, "vesting" and "htlc" are contracts, and "staking" is the staking contract.


size: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:567

The transaction's serialized size in bytes. It is used to determine the fee-per-byte that this transaction pays.


transactionHash: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:495

The transaction's unique hash, used as its identifier. Sometimes also called txId.


valid: boolean

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:572

Encodes if the transaction is valid, meaning the signature is valid and the data and proof fields follow the correct format for the transaction's recipient and sender type, respectively.


validityStartHeight: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:534

The block height at which this transaction becomes valid. It is then valid for 7200 blocks (~2 hours).


value: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:522