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Interface: PlainValidator

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:222

JSON-compatible and human-readable format of a validator. E.g. reward addresses and public keys are presented in their human-readable format.



deposit: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:249

The amount of coins deposited by this validator. The initial deposit is a fixed amount, however this value can be decremented by failing staking transactions due to fees.


inactiveFrom: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:260

An option indicating if the validator is marked as inactive. If it is, then it contains the block height at which it becomes inactive. A validator can only effectively become inactive on the next election block. Thus, this may contain a block height in the future.


inactiveRelease: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:265

An option indicating if the validator is marked as inactive. If it is, then it contains the block height at which the inactive stake gets released and the validator can be retired.


jailedFrom: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:276

An option indicating if the validator is jailed. If it is, then it contains the block height at which it became jailed. Opposed to inactive_from, jailing can and should take effect immediately to prevent the validator and its stakers from modifying their funds and or delegation.


jailedRelease: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:281

An option indicating if the validator is jailed. If it is, then it contains the block height at which the jail period ends and the validator becomes interactive again.


numStakers: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:253

The number of stakers that are delegating to this validator.


retired: boolean

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:269

A flag indicating if the validator is retired.


rewardAddress: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:234

The reward address of the validator. All the block rewards are paid to this address.


signalData: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:239

Signaling field. Can be used to do chain upgrades or for any other purpose that requires validators to coordinate among themselves.


signingPublicKey: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:226

The public key used to sign blocks. It is also used to retire and reactivate the validator.


totalStake: number

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:244

The total stake assigned to this validator. It includes the validator deposit as well as the coins delegated to him by stakers.


votingPublicKey: string

Defined in: @nimiq/core/types/wasm/web.d.ts:230

The voting public key, it is used to vote for skip and macro blocks.